I've gotta say, I'm tired of winter and being cold. Maybe I'm realizing it more so this year, because my mom is in the Dominican Republic, and has been the past week and a half, and will be for another week and a half, my dad is heading there to be with her next week, my in-laws are somewhere in the south...Florida? My husband is going to Haiti next weekend...I was supposed to go, but apparently that is strongly discouraged if your prego-pops.
I long for summer...for hot days, for the smell of fresh cut grass, for laying on a deck by a pool, for long walks in the evening, for campfires, for fresh cut lilacs, for gelati and slurpees, for beach days, for driving with the windows down...
All I ever want to do in the winter is hibernate. My old neighbour used to tease me whenever he saw me outside in the winter...In all honesty, I think I have the right idea of staying inside with windchills of -45, and those who think it's possible to "enjoy" that nonsense...they are just trying to be heros. I don't need to be a hero. I need to be warm.
Maybe it would be a little better if the heat that the landlord paid for, was actually heat...not luke-warm air coming from one vent.
So this post kinda turned into a venting session about something that I have no control over, and can't do anything about...
I suppose it's a good thing I'm prego, extra pounds=extra warmth....