So, lots has happened since the last post. My toes that were so perfectly pedicured and polished, have long since chipped away and I am no longer pregnant. Finally.
It's been a busy month adjusting to being a stay at home mom. I must confess, being a stay at home mom was a tad easier when the child was still in my belly. None the less, I love it. I truly feel that this is what I'm called to do. I had my little boy, Charlie, on September 5 at 10:03am. Labor is not something I'm willing to discuss at this time...I fear it may bring back memories that I have been successfully blocking out of my mind. Being a mom has it's many ups and downs, as I've learned in my short time of motherhood.
The Ups:
1. I know it's just gas...but he has the cutest little grin.
2. He is a good baby. Not too fussy. I like that.
3. The way he fits perfectly in my arms.
4. His little sighs when I hold him, letting me know that he is perfectly happy in that place.
5. There are so many more...
The Downs:
1. He has pooed in/on my hand twice now. Both at early morning changings.
2. Do I really need anymore downs?
All in all, I love this new phase of my life. It has been challenging at times, but so rewarding.
In other news...
The weather has changed. No longer warm and summery, it is officially fall. Unfortunately for me...I have no control over the heat in my apartment, and the weather has in turn, drastically changed in our apartment. It has gone from a comfortable +25 to a cool +18. I can't feel my toes. Or my nose.
And shower curtains. My stars. They are quite possibly the bain of my existence. I have a claw foot bathtub (bright red, if you're wondering), with wall to wall shower curtains. I can't stand them! Don't get me wrong, I totally understand the need for the shower curtain. I would much rather suffer daily in the shower than have to clean water up off the floor everyday. My problem is how they don't stay in one place. As the water showers out, the curtains swoop inwards, creating this terrifying plastic, clausterphobic wrap around me...I panic. That's all I can do. Oh...I also, on occasion, have shouted out about how much I hate the shower curtain system.
Right on.