Living in the north end of Winnipeg is not exactly my ideal/favourite place to live. It has it's ups...I like being next door to family, that's been fun. And that is about it. The ups end there. I feel so far away from everything else. My family is a cool 50 minute drive south. Church is 15 minutes south, Cody's family is 30 minutes...south. Why do we live in the north? It's cheap. I suppose that's another up. I know it may sound totally lame, but I don't feel safe up here, nor do I feel at home. I feel safe in my second storey suite, but that's about it. I don't ever want to go outside for walks by myself...there are always stories about people getting shot/stabbed/hammered (literally hammered, as in beaten with hammers)5 minutes away from us. Our landlords (who live in the suite below us, which I do not recommend if you ever have that situation presented to you) are pretty nosy...especially the lady. And they are loud. I can hear the 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock ctv news clear as a bell. They have scrabble nights on Saturdays. They slam doors and cupboards (which has woken my kid up on numerous occasions...I've been tempted to let him "cry it out" at night because his bedroom is right above theirs). So yeah...not my favourite living conditions.
My out. In my hometown, there was a 2 bedroom ground level apartment that went up for rent. It was 580$/month plus utilities. I know...people will be all like " just want to live in St. Adolphe"...and yes, I do. I like that town. You can go for a walk and not get hammered. That appeals to me. I want Charlie to grow up in a safe place, where he can play outside. I want to be close to family, because only having one car, means I am often stranded. Anyways, it seemed to good to be true...and it was. We called at 7 in the evening and it had just been rented out. So depressing.