Monday, January 11, 2010

The New Year

So here I am, 11 days into the new year. I've never really been a 'new year's resolution' kinda person, because by day 2, I've completely failed, and let's be honest, that's just depressing. I suppose I have set some goals for the year, goals that I will not let control me so much that I go into a complete downward spiral if I do not reach them everyday. Because seriously, the whole 'get back into shape' goal, has yet to be started...vanilla ice cream with cookie dough has taken it's place instead. With that said, I am excited to try out my Your Shape for the Wii system. Thus far, I have created my profile, which has informed me that I have no upper body strength. Like I needed a game to tell me that. You put a 15lb weight in my hands, put my arms behind my head and I'll be stuck until you help me.

Another goal, that I am quite excited about, is to start reading my bible again. I used to be pretty good at that...reading every night before bed. Funny enough, I lost that habit at YWAM....5 years ago, and have yet to get back into it. Every year, after the Christmas season, our church goes through a gospel, and challenges the congregation to read through it on their own. I have yet to accomplish this...I have gotten close, but never finish. And that is sad. So this year, we are reading through John. I have decided to do this with Charlie. Every night, before I put him to bed, we read a chapter or two of John (this all depends on his fussiness level). I've really been enjoying it. And I think he does too. As much as a 4 month old baby can enjoy being read to. And...interesting little add on, ever since I started doing this, he hasn't screamed bloody murder when I lay him down...he fusses a little bit, then falls asleep. Connection??? I like to think so.

As for this reading of the bible, I do need to work on retaining what I'm reading. Erik was asking questions at church about John chapter 2 (which I had read 3 nights ago) and was even offering Lindt chocolate for answers...tempting indeed...and I couldn't remember! BAH! Maybe I need to bribe myself with decadent chocolate in order to retain information...thus entirely defeating my goal of getting back into shape...but what's more important??? Bible reading and retaining...or being fit???

I think a third goal of mine would be to step out of my comfort zone a little more often. Meet and talk to new people. Express myself the way I want to express myself, and not be afraid to wear hats. I like hats. I have always believed that hats do not like me. Maybe they do, and even if they don't, who cares!

So there it new years...let's see how it all goes down.

Cheers to you 2010!


Anonymous said...

I like hats too. I've been slowly collecting cute hats (at least I think they're cute) and trying to wear them outside the house. I find that it helps to start out small with hats...wear them when you take Charlie for walks and build off of that :)

I would love to go for coffee sometime!

Anonymous said...

i say wear some hats and read your bible