Monday, August 6, 2012

What the croup!

Croup: a condition that causes an inflammation of the upper airways — the voice box (larynx) and windpipe (trachea). It often leads to a barking cough or hoarseness, especially when a child cries. (

Charlie has gotten croup whenever he had a cold, but never this bad. Poor Jake...He had the seal bark all day yesterday, and it just seemed to be getting worse. I finally got him settled and asleep, and it just never eased off. He was struggling so much just to breathe...I called my mom (a nurse) and had her listen to his breathing over the phone. She decided to come in and check him out. Sure enough, she didn't like what she saw/heard...she suggested we go to the ER. So we did. Poor Jake...he was so tired, and crying (which does not help the cough) and we spent about 2 hours at the hospital...ending with him getting two shots, one in each leg, of some type of steroid to help reduce the swelling in his throat. We got home just before 1am, and he slept most of the night, and has had 2 naps today and it's not even noon yet.

It was so scary hearing him struggle to breathe...

I'm thankful for my mama, and the doctor and nurses in the ER who helped my little Jakey. And I'm thankful that it has eased off a bit now and he's breathing a lot better. Still sounds like a seal though...

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