Thursday, July 22, 2010

crying baby + no latte + tired mama = rough day.

charlie awoke from his morning nap about 45 minutes earlier than he should have due to the ruckus being caused by the downstairs landlords. he woke up at 9:40am. it is now 11:40am. he's been this whole time.

on the bright side, we are going to have an early lunch and he's going to be put back to bed.

i think i need a me day. a day to get my act together. i feel like i've been going none stop since the beginning of july. i realize that is not that long of a time to be going none stop, since it's barely the end of july. but i am so tired from it all.

i spent the first week of july out in minnesota, i spend the following few days cramming out some camp sessions, then i spent a week out at camp. i'll be home now for another week, then i'm heading out to ontario for my cousins wedding. after that i'll be home for a week, then out to minnesota again for family cabin time. and then summer will pretty much be over.

i miss my carefree summers. i wouldn't change the crabby baby for anything in the world. but i do miss those good ol' days.

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