Monday, July 26, 2010

To do...

1. hem kitchen curtains
2. buy curtain rod for kitchen and office
3. make curtains for office
4. finish dress for wedding
5. clean the toys that were in the tub when charlie decided to take a crap
6. wash, dry and put away dishes
7. clean everywhere and everything
8. pack for ontario
9. find an umbrella stroller...anyone have one i can borrow for a week?
10. get a massage
11. pedicure? i think so...
12. go to zoo with cody and charlie
13. get bloodwork urns....
14. make 2 wedding cards
15. withdraw cash to put in wedding cards
16. bring in my serger to be fixed
17. decorate church for friend's wedding
18. find a job
19. complain about finding a job...i kinda wish mat leave could go on forever...
20. finish my book
21. water neighbours plants...any ideas on how often outdoor plants need to be watered? i don't have a yard...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. That sounds like last week for me. The never-ending 'to do' list of a mother...gotta love it.

I thought you had decided to stay home this year?