Thursday, October 20, 2011

screaming baby and crazy toddler...


i love my boys.
i love my boys.
i love my boys.
i love my boys.
i love my boys.

on another note. i've been, what the sewing world calls, 'refashioning'. i've been using old clothes and turning them into something new. i'm particularily excited about an old dress shirt of cody's that i have turned into a cute shirt for me. and i have a plan for another shirt of his...again to make one for me. you see, i love shopping and new clothes. always have. probably always will. however, the money to clothes ratio is not exactly balanced. shopping is my outlet. when i need to get away and be on my own, i go shopping. it's relaxing for me. so i'm trying to make more time to sew, and hopefully that will be relaxing for me, and in the process get some new clothes for little to no cost! whoo hoo!

on a totally different note, does anyone else think evander kane looks like drake?

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