Thursday, November 24, 2011

It's been one of those weeks...
I feel like I'm in a constant battle with Charlie. He seriously used to be so easy going. Terrible twos is a very real thing....
He learned how to climb out of his crib...naptime and bedtime are terrible parts of the day and I feel like I'm the worst person in the world. He's crying and screaming the whole time. Thank God for short memories on little ones...all is forgiven when they wake up. But still...I feel awful.
And then there is the whole 'being too physical' thing...
I know he's not a bully. I know he's just trying to communicate what he wants. But all of a sudden, it's been pushing, and pulling hair, and biting...Not everyday, but definitely today. We had some friends over...everytime someone cried, it was because of Charlie. Charlie hit, or pulled hair, or something. I feel like I'm doing a terrible mom job...He is so freakin' stubborn and independent. I feel like I haven't really figured out the best way to communicate with him, or the best way to discipline him. Nothing seems to stick.
I know he's only 2. I know he doesn't understand a lot of concepts, like, wait your turn, or take turns. He doesn't get it yet. And that will come. I just don't know what to do...
Not being able to communicate is the biggest cause behind the terrible least in my opinion.
I just feel like a crap mom.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

Hey Dana, I was just thinking about when the next time you were going to write in this space...thanks for sharing a bit of what's going on in your life these days.

So my question to you: ARE you a crap mom?

If you ARE a 'crap' mom then it's probably not bad to feel that way so you can see that perhaps being a 'not-crap' mom would be a better way of mom-ing. However, if you are NOT a 'crap' mom and you still feel that way, well, that's just a bummer.

For you, how do you determine whether you actually are or are not 'crap' mom-esque?

I think you're pretty genuine and that you'll keep searching for more effective ways to communicate and express values to ol' Chuck. That seems like a 'good' mom thing to me;)