I'm driving home today. Here's my story.
I come up to the light at Cathedral and Main, and plan to turn right. I put my blinker on and pull into the turning lane in front of a parked car that was parked a little too close to the light, therefore, causing the back end of my car to stick out a bit in the other lane. Now, there were two folks crossing the street, so I patiently waited for them to cross. A car was coming up behind me (in the lane that I happened to be sticking out in) and was not too happy that he had to go around. So, he lays on the horn and does one of those drive by glares at me. Meanwhile, the lady who was crossing the street (who from the outside, looked like sweet old lady), thought I was honking at them to hurry up, and turned around to flip ME the bird.
Unbelieveable old lady, unbelieveable.

1 comment:
Nice "drawing."
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