Friday, June 1, 2012

A New Name

So, I've decided to change my blog up a little bit. I found that I wasn't really writing anything...not so much because I had nothing to say or share...I have loads of stories, but they are mostly about my two boys. And I felt guilty writing about them all the time, because not everyone (like there are SO many people who actually read this...) wants to read about my kids.

With that being said however, I am a stay at home mom. I'd like to think that my intellect runs deeper than conversations with my 2 year old about why it's a good idea to keep your male parts in your diaper and a bad idea to throw your brother to the this point I don't know that it does. And I'm okay with that. I learn a lot from my boys, and I have decided to make this a place to share things I've learned from them, and tell stories.

Considered yourself warned. This blog is mainly about my life as mom of two boys. So that's what you'll being hearing about.


Trish said...

I'm so excited for this! I really appreciate you and your thoughts and, with my own boy, I look forward to hearing about what I have to look forward to. :) You do so many things well, Dana. Those boys are blessed to have you as a mom. Can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Matthew said...

Glad you're finding a niche that resonates with what you want to express in this place:)

I've no doubt there are lots of folks who are interested in hearing about your adventures in parenting.