Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Kudos to my mother and father in-law who had 5 children.

Three days a week, I look after my 3 year old nephew, Gus. Charlie is 2, and Jacob is 10 months.
This afternoon, I had my other nephew and niece, Jo (1) and Aurora (4).

Let me help you with the math. 5 kids. 4 and under.

My house is small. 703 square feet. That's a lot of little kids in a small space. And it was rainy outside. Bummer. Because I'm pretty sure my yard is bigger than my house.

At any rate, it was a really good afternoon. It was a lot of fun having them all in the same place, and little to no arguing/trouble sharing/pushing/biting/yelling/hitting/battles between the stubborn ones/etc. They all played really well!

We started the afternoon with some good ol' fashioned playdough. Once it cleared up we moved outside to blow bubbles, color with chalk, 'mow' the lawn, red light/green light, simon says, general tomfoolery. (I should note, Jacob was napping this whole time)

Once Jacob woke up, we moved indoors...had snacks, played in the get the idea. We had a good day.

Will I have 5 kids? No. It was amazing the difference once Gus went home...only having 4 little ones to look after. And it's not like Gus is any trouble to look after at all! 5 is the tipping point in my opinion...where pure chaos is just around the corner. 4 seems like there is still a buffer between you and chaos.

So again, kudos to my guys are amazing to have raised 5 kids, knowing that 3 of them weren't going home at the end of the day!

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