Saturday, March 15, 2008

In case I wasn't busy enough...

My mom came up to me the other day and said "You better start training! The marathon is coming up soon!" To which I replied, "Ummm, what?"

She signed up my whole family to run the relay in June. AND DID NOT TELL ME TIL NOW! (apparently she mentionned it last year...I do not recall such nonsense!)

I can't even do the shortest leg of the relay because the boy has a bad knee and back, so by default, he gets it.

I probably should start "training" soon. I really don't like running, but coming from a competitive family (myself included I suppose), I don't think they'd appreciate me walking the 6 miles.

So that's that. If anyone wants to go for a run, and actually likes running, could you come drag me out with you???


Shauna Bennett said...

Ummm Yes! Wanna start this week? Apparently I'm running the 1/2 as well...

gavin said...

I ran one time. It sucked. I resolved to never do it again.