I always gave up candy as a kid.
These past few years I have given such little thought to the idea of lent. I haven't gone to an Ash Wednesday service in I don't even know how long, I think I've been to one Good Friday service in the past 3 years, I haven't given anything up in a long time...I do manage to make it to the Easter Sunday service...and the family dinners.
I don't know what it is. I seriously thought about giving something up this year...but just never decided what it would be, and before I knew it Ash Wednesday had come and gone. And I did not attend.
What's different about this year though is that I've actually been thinking a lot about it. I've almost been feeling guilty that I haven't given anything up. Maybe it's not too late...if I could only think of something.
I suppose I could add something to my life for lent. Like read my bible. Also something I haven't done in a LONG time. I feel like I just can't commit...maybe that's my issue. Commitment. I don't want to feel like I HAVE to do something. I want to do it because I WANT to. And reality is, I just don't want to read the bible. As terrible as that sounds to come out of the mouth of a christian.
I think I just have a lack of care these days for my spiritual journey. Actually, I know that's the case. I just don't care. Which isn't a good place to be.
Maybe I should read my bible because I HAVE to. Maybe that would be the step towards doing it because I want to...I don't know.
Sometimes I wish it was as simple as giving up candy again. No other thoughts to go along with it...just don't eat candy for 40 days, then pig out on Easter morning. But it's not that simple...
And I pounded back a bag of Easter ju-jubes last week.
I can empathize with the not wanting to something like reading the Bible. It was only recently that I even had a desire to do it. A turning point was actively choosing books of the Bible that I've long neglected or wanted to read about a specific idea.
As for neglecting your spiritual journey, that can happen very easily. Especially, if you have an all-the-time job like mother. If you are tired, it becomes more difficult. I suppose in the mean time, focus on doing the good thing and bring up the kids right. That is something that is as spiritual as any discipline.
Giving up candy is crazy!!!!
I just wrote the second part to my 'and my soul thirsts' blog. Sounds like we've been feeling the same.
I decided to take part in lent this year. I've given up coffee. It's been hard.
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