Thursday, February 14, 2008

there's only 78 more days you know...

And is getting a little more hectic. I really do best if I have one or two things on the go. Not four. I don't do well with four. Because when there are four things on the least two get side swept, and at this point, those two things would be school and work. Probably not the best things to sweep to the side. However, wedding stuff is far more fun!
My mom and I went shopping today. I'm thinking she has a goal of racking up my visa bill...not an intentional goal, but anyways. We went and bought the fabric and pattern for the flower girl's dress! It's such a pretty dress. I'm hanging out with Sydni on Saturday, and I'm super excited to show her the dress. She's going to love it! Agnes at Fabric Land was super helpful. She showed us what we had to do, if she thought we'd need more fabric and then helped ring everything through...and with the swipe of a visa we were off!
This evening I had my first dress fitting. My soon to be sister in law came with me, which was really nice of her. After being nearly poked with pins, stuffed in the right places and so forth, I set up the next fitting appointment, and found out the costs of what they were going to take in with today's appointment. My visa card and I were thankful when we realized that we could pay at a later when all the alterations were done. I called my mom on my way home to tell her how it went and she suggested I go buy the shoes I want to wear at the wedding for my next fitting (which is next Thursday), and how did she recommend paying for these new shoes??? My visa. Oh dear...I really should reconsider not sweeping work to the side so much. That might prove to be helpful.

1 comment:

Matthew said...

You should send an invitation to your Visa company.

Maybe their wedding present would be canceling your debt.

That'd be awesome.