I should be at small group right now. I am not.
I was excited to get out of the house this evening, to spend some time in conversation with adults...but alas, I am still at 'home'. I was getting ready to go, was all showered when it hit me. All of a sudden...BAM! sick. Down for the count. Pathetically curled up on the bathroom floor in a clammy state. Fast-forward 15 minutes, not feeling much better, but freezing cold, curled up under blankets in my bed. Far more sanitary, if anything.
So much for adult time.
Bummer. Or as my nephew says, bombers.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Oh dear...
Once again, much time has passed. And once again, I am fully aware that probably nobody reads this, so this time passed has probably not been noticed.
However...I have noticed, and things have been happening, so I'm gonna write about it.
We bought a house. With much help from family. I was super nervous about taking on this "show" home as it was called at the signing. This "show" home has been gutted to the drywall and needs plenty of work. Bonus though, it came with a washer and a dryer. And a toilet.
I'm excited about working on this place, and making it a great home for our little family. We started to work today...ripping down walls, scraping floors, tearing out the entire bathroom, buying a tub, muddy-ing and puddy-ing the walls...
Tomorrow is the day we finish packing and cleaning our north end home. It was a good home...I'm happy to be leaving the north end and be closer to where we actually live our lives.
I'm super pumped to shop for stuff...tiles, paint, flooring, faucets, light fixtures, bathroom fixtures, cabinet hardware....oh, and a new dresser because the tiny closet just won't do!
So thank you to my family. We couldn't have done this without you and are so excited to be in our own home!
However...I have noticed, and things have been happening, so I'm gonna write about it.
We bought a house. With much help from family. I was super nervous about taking on this "show" home as it was called at the signing. This "show" home has been gutted to the drywall and needs plenty of work. Bonus though, it came with a washer and a dryer. And a toilet.
I'm excited about working on this place, and making it a great home for our little family. We started to work today...ripping down walls, scraping floors, tearing out the entire bathroom, buying a tub, muddy-ing and puddy-ing the walls...
Tomorrow is the day we finish packing and cleaning our north end home. It was a good home...I'm happy to be leaving the north end and be closer to where we actually live our lives.
I'm super pumped to shop for stuff...tiles, paint, flooring, faucets, light fixtures, bathroom fixtures, cabinet hardware....oh, and a new dresser because the tiny closet just won't do!
So thank you to my family. We couldn't have done this without you and are so excited to be in our own home!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ok...I'm 2 days late in writing this, but I don't have the internet at home anymore, and my blackberry skills aren't quite up to par to write an entire blog.
But, alas, my little boy is 1. I can't even believe it. We celebrated his 1st birthday and my sister's 22nd birthday this weekend. Needless to say, Charlie stole her thunder...much to her dismay. ;)
It's hard to believe that he's already 1. This year went by so fast. I have never in my life lacked so much sleep, but have loved every minute of it. I will probably even miss the 3am snuggles.
But, alas, my little boy is 1. I can't even believe it. We celebrated his 1st birthday and my sister's 22nd birthday this weekend. Needless to say, Charlie stole her thunder...much to her dismay. ;)
It's hard to believe that he's already 1. This year went by so fast. I have never in my life lacked so much sleep, but have loved every minute of it. I will probably even miss the 3am snuggles.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
i hadn't even had the joy of telling people that i was pregnant yet.
but i was...just about 8 weeks.
we lost the baby this weekend.
i don't really know how to put in words what i'm feeling. there is definitely a deep sense of loss for this little baby that i will never meet. my heart hurts at the thought of that. i don't even know if it was a little boy or girl...
cody and i were very excited about adding to our family...charlie and this little one would have been 18 months apart. it would have been a busy household, but that's what i've always dreamed of...lots of little ones running around.
i went through a wide mix of emotions...i was mad at God, i was at peace, i was mad again, i was sad, i was trying to figure out the reason why, i was blaming myself, i was blaming God, i was all over the place...
but at the end of the day...i suppose i am at peace. there is no reason why this happened. i know God is good.
i'm sure it will be hard when this little one's due date comes around...which would have been march 16.
but i was...just about 8 weeks.
we lost the baby this weekend.
i don't really know how to put in words what i'm feeling. there is definitely a deep sense of loss for this little baby that i will never meet. my heart hurts at the thought of that. i don't even know if it was a little boy or girl...
cody and i were very excited about adding to our family...charlie and this little one would have been 18 months apart. it would have been a busy household, but that's what i've always dreamed of...lots of little ones running around.
i went through a wide mix of emotions...i was mad at God, i was at peace, i was mad again, i was sad, i was trying to figure out the reason why, i was blaming myself, i was blaming God, i was all over the place...
but at the end of the day...i suppose i am at peace. there is no reason why this happened. i know God is good.
i'm sure it will be hard when this little one's due date comes around...which would have been march 16.
Monday, July 26, 2010
To do...
1. hem kitchen curtains
2. buy curtain rod for kitchen and office
3. make curtains for office
4. finish dress for wedding
5. clean the toys that were in the tub when charlie decided to take a crap
6. wash, dry and put away dishes
7. clean everywhere and everything
8. pack for ontario
9. find an umbrella stroller...anyone have one i can borrow for a week?
10. get a massage
11. pedicure? i think so...
12. go to zoo with cody and charlie
13. get bloodwork done...boo urns....
14. make 2 wedding cards
15. withdraw cash to put in wedding cards
16. bring in my serger to be fixed
17. decorate church for friend's wedding
18. find a job
19. complain about finding a job...i kinda wish mat leave could go on forever...
20. finish my book
21. water neighbours plants...any ideas on how often outdoor plants need to be watered? i don't have a yard...
2. buy curtain rod for kitchen and office
3. make curtains for office
4. finish dress for wedding
5. clean the toys that were in the tub when charlie decided to take a crap
6. wash, dry and put away dishes
7. clean everywhere and everything
8. pack for ontario
9. find an umbrella stroller...anyone have one i can borrow for a week?
10. get a massage
11. pedicure? i think so...
12. go to zoo with cody and charlie
13. get bloodwork done...boo urns....
14. make 2 wedding cards
15. withdraw cash to put in wedding cards
16. bring in my serger to be fixed
17. decorate church for friend's wedding
18. find a job
19. complain about finding a job...i kinda wish mat leave could go on forever...
20. finish my book
21. water neighbours plants...any ideas on how often outdoor plants need to be watered? i don't have a yard...
Thursday, July 22, 2010
crying baby + no latte + tired mama = rough day.
charlie awoke from his morning nap about 45 minutes earlier than he should have due to the ruckus being caused by the downstairs landlords. he woke up at 9:40am. it is now 11:40am. he's been this whole time.
on the bright side, we are going to have an early lunch and he's going to be put back to bed.
i think i need a me day. a day to get my act together. i feel like i've been going none stop since the beginning of july. i realize that is not that long of a time to be going none stop, since it's barely the end of july. but i am so tired from it all.
i spent the first week of july out in minnesota, i spend the following few days cramming out some camp sessions, then i spent a week out at camp. i'll be home now for another week, then i'm heading out to ontario for my cousins wedding. after that i'll be home for a week, then out to minnesota again for family cabin time. and then summer will pretty much be over.
i miss my carefree summers. i wouldn't change the crabby baby for anything in the world. but i do miss those good ol' days.
charlie awoke from his morning nap about 45 minutes earlier than he should have due to the ruckus being caused by the downstairs landlords. he woke up at 9:40am. it is now 11:40am. he's been this whole time.
on the bright side, we are going to have an early lunch and he's going to be put back to bed.
i think i need a me day. a day to get my act together. i feel like i've been going none stop since the beginning of july. i realize that is not that long of a time to be going none stop, since it's barely the end of july. but i am so tired from it all.
i spent the first week of july out in minnesota, i spend the following few days cramming out some camp sessions, then i spent a week out at camp. i'll be home now for another week, then i'm heading out to ontario for my cousins wedding. after that i'll be home for a week, then out to minnesota again for family cabin time. and then summer will pretty much be over.
i miss my carefree summers. i wouldn't change the crabby baby for anything in the world. but i do miss those good ol' days.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I have to speak at camp this year. Okay, I don't actually have to...technically, they asked me and I said yes. So, really, I can't complain.
But I'm going to a little bit anyways...
I don't wanna do it...okay, that's not totally true. I'm half-excited about the challenge. But, I have not been feeling very inspired. I sit in front of my computer, bible in hand, and stare blankly. I don't have much time left...camp starts on Sunday. And today, in case anyone has lost track, is Tuesday...I think.
I've been having such a hard time finding some good quality time to sit and ponder all this. I have escaped to Starbucks this morning in an attempt to "work". Instead, I am blogging.
It's a good thing I am a practiced procrastinator...or else I'd be in trouble...
But I'm going to a little bit anyways...
I don't wanna do it...okay, that's not totally true. I'm half-excited about the challenge. But, I have not been feeling very inspired. I sit in front of my computer, bible in hand, and stare blankly. I don't have much time left...camp starts on Sunday. And today, in case anyone has lost track, is Tuesday...I think.
I've been having such a hard time finding some good quality time to sit and ponder all this. I have escaped to Starbucks this morning in an attempt to "work". Instead, I am blogging.
It's a good thing I am a practiced procrastinator...or else I'd be in trouble...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
To work, or not to work...
Cody and I have made the decision that I will stay home again next year with Charlie. I'm SO happy about that. I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and not have to send my kids to daycare, and I get to!!! I'm sure things will be a bit tighter financially, but in the end, we decided that it will be worth it. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. For awhile now, I had been feeling like I had to go to work in the fall, when all I actually felt that I should be doing, is staying home. And now that weight is lifted! I'm so, so happy about this decision!
Cody and I have made the decision that I will stay home again next year with Charlie. I'm SO happy about that. I've always wanted to be a stay at home mom, and not have to send my kids to daycare, and I get to!!! I'm sure things will be a bit tighter financially, but in the end, we decided that it will be worth it. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. For awhile now, I had been feeling like I had to go to work in the fall, when all I actually felt that I should be doing, is staying home. And now that weight is lifted! I'm so, so happy about this decision!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
In case any of you were wondering...
These are things that I like and that I am thankful for. I don't think I think of these things too often, and I've decided it is important for me to remember them. And if it's important for me to remember them, it's obviously important for you to read about them. Just jokes...
1. My family. Immediate, extended and in-lawed. Like them all. Thankful for them all.
2. Being a mom. Bestest, most exhausting job I've done yet. Like it. Thankful for it.
3. Having a place to live. Mostly like it. Thankful for it.
4. Spring showing up on time. Definitely like it. Definitely thankful for it.
5. Coke. What's not to like? What's not to be thankful for? Cody bought me some coke the other day...he bought the pint-sized cans...not sure if he's trying to tell me something...either way, go coke!
6. Home-made, bbq'd hamburgers.
7. Sunshine!
8. Sunday morning starbucks.
9. Good discussions.
10. Our MTS cable was extended an extra 6 months at the trial 6 month price.
11. Crafting. Of any kind. Specifically card making and sewing.
12. A good hair cut. Which sadly, my hair stylist quit...I'm open to suggestions.
13. Beach days.
14. Quiet nights at home.
15. Lazy days with friends.
16. Finding the perfect dress. (I didn't buy it though...)
17. Grocery shopping.
18. Any kind of shopping.
19. Good friends.
20. Good books.
21. God's faithfulness.
22. Working on a project/craft and having it turn out exactly how I hoped.
23. Watching my kid try and use a book to stand up.
24. Fresh cut flowers.
I'm sure there is tons more that I like and am thankful for. But for now, I'm done listing.
1. My family. Immediate, extended and in-lawed. Like them all. Thankful for them all.
2. Being a mom. Bestest, most exhausting job I've done yet. Like it. Thankful for it.
3. Having a place to live. Mostly like it. Thankful for it.
4. Spring showing up on time. Definitely like it. Definitely thankful for it.
5. Coke. What's not to like? What's not to be thankful for? Cody bought me some coke the other day...he bought the pint-sized cans...not sure if he's trying to tell me something...either way, go coke!
6. Home-made, bbq'd hamburgers.
7. Sunshine!
8. Sunday morning starbucks.
9. Good discussions.
10. Our MTS cable was extended an extra 6 months at the trial 6 month price.
11. Crafting. Of any kind. Specifically card making and sewing.
12. A good hair cut. Which sadly, my hair stylist quit...I'm open to suggestions.
13. Beach days.
14. Quiet nights at home.
15. Lazy days with friends.
16. Finding the perfect dress. (I didn't buy it though...)
17. Grocery shopping.
18. Any kind of shopping.
19. Good friends.
20. Good books.
21. God's faithfulness.
22. Working on a project/craft and having it turn out exactly how I hoped.
23. Watching my kid try and use a book to stand up.
24. Fresh cut flowers.
I'm sure there is tons more that I like and am thankful for. But for now, I'm done listing.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Good times.
It was just another Thursday morning to me. Cody left at around 8:30 to meet up with a friend for breakfast. Charlie and I were playing. Then the phone rings. Cody's breakfast plans were cancelled...I had ten minutes to get myself and Charlie ready to go; he was going to take us for breakfast instead! Whoo hoo!
Ten minutes later, I was nowhere near ready (poo incident...Charlie, not me), when Cody came in with a new plan. We were going to Grand Forks for the night! Whoo hoo indeed!
So we packed up and away we went. We spent the day shopping at Target, playing with Charlie in the kiddie pool and enjoying some quality time together! It was wonderful. The next day, we went to the mall and shopped. (Sidenote: Cody spent WAY more than me...a little fact that I am quite proud of!)
Yay for impromptu trips to the states.
Yay for the return of Cody's spontanaity. (sp?)
Ten minutes later, I was nowhere near ready (poo incident...Charlie, not me), when Cody came in with a new plan. We were going to Grand Forks for the night! Whoo hoo indeed!
So we packed up and away we went. We spent the day shopping at Target, playing with Charlie in the kiddie pool and enjoying some quality time together! It was wonderful. The next day, we went to the mall and shopped. (Sidenote: Cody spent WAY more than me...a little fact that I am quite proud of!)
Yay for impromptu trips to the states.
Yay for the return of Cody's spontanaity. (sp?)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Lost Thoughts: The most recent episode
I watched Lost with some friends last night, minus our Lost guru, David Rae. Here are our 'theories':
Family reunion. It's as easy as that. They are all related. The Shepherds and the Widmores. 6 year family reunion on a beautiful island. BBQ's via the smoke monster. Submarine rides. Meeting your 'other' children.
I think that should clear things up.
You are welcome.
Family reunion. It's as easy as that. They are all related. The Shepherds and the Widmores. 6 year family reunion on a beautiful island. BBQ's via the smoke monster. Submarine rides. Meeting your 'other' children.
I think that should clear things up.
You are welcome.
Monday, April 5, 2010
On blogging.
I think people should blog more so stay-at-home moms have something different to read.
Just saying.
Just saying.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
On teething.
"Teething is the normal process of new teeth working their way through the gums. 'Cutting teeth' is too strong a term...Most children have completely painless teething. The only symptoms are increased saliva, drooling, and a desire to chew on things. Teething occasionally causes some mild gum pain, but not enough to interfere with sleep. Your child won't be miserable from teething...(Teething) probably doesn't cause crying."
Clearly this author never had a teething baby.
Clearly this author never had a teething baby.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
And I'M the bad guy...
Go figure.
I'm driving home today. Here's my story.
I come up to the light at Cathedral and Main, and plan to turn right. I put my blinker on and pull into the turning lane in front of a parked car that was parked a little too close to the light, therefore, causing the back end of my car to stick out a bit in the other lane. Now, there were two folks crossing the street, so I patiently waited for them to cross. A car was coming up behind me (in the lane that I happened to be sticking out in) and was not too happy that he had to go around. So, he lays on the horn and does one of those drive by glares at me. Meanwhile, the lady who was crossing the street (who from the outside, looked like sweet old lady), thought I was honking at them to hurry up, and turned around to flip ME the bird.
Unbelieveable old lady, unbelieveable.
I'm driving home today. Here's my story.
I come up to the light at Cathedral and Main, and plan to turn right. I put my blinker on and pull into the turning lane in front of a parked car that was parked a little too close to the light, therefore, causing the back end of my car to stick out a bit in the other lane. Now, there were two folks crossing the street, so I patiently waited for them to cross. A car was coming up behind me (in the lane that I happened to be sticking out in) and was not too happy that he had to go around. So, he lays on the horn and does one of those drive by glares at me. Meanwhile, the lady who was crossing the street (who from the outside, looked like sweet old lady), thought I was honking at them to hurry up, and turned around to flip ME the bird.
Unbelieveable old lady, unbelieveable.

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Small Group.
I'm just gonna throw it out there. I love my small group. Each and every person in it. I love what each person brings to the table. I love the conversations, the laughter, their thoughts, their questions, their support, their ideas on what is going on in the show LOST.
We are working our way through the Old Testament, and we now find ourselves in 1 Samuel. One of the fine folks made mention that in some ways it seems as though we've been doing the same bible study since we started the OT, because it seems to be this cycle of the people stray (I know...a broad term), and God redeems. I don't think it's a bad thing to be hearing this every week. Not that this gives us a free pass to stray because God will redeem, but I think it's good to be reminded that God loves us and is for us, even when we stray. He's always for us.
I'm listening to some song on the weather channel...
"We will not become lazy lovers...nooooo....We won't commit to casuality, won't give in to human fraility, we won't give in when things get tough. No, we will not become lazy lovers"
Hee hee...the next song to start up was...
"I'll get over you...I know I will"
I don't know why I posted this, or why I find this so funny.
At any rate, I love my small group.
We are working our way through the Old Testament, and we now find ourselves in 1 Samuel. One of the fine folks made mention that in some ways it seems as though we've been doing the same bible study since we started the OT, because it seems to be this cycle of the people stray (I know...a broad term), and God redeems. I don't think it's a bad thing to be hearing this every week. Not that this gives us a free pass to stray because God will redeem, but I think it's good to be reminded that God loves us and is for us, even when we stray. He's always for us.
I'm listening to some song on the weather channel...
"We will not become lazy lovers...nooooo....We won't commit to casuality, won't give in to human fraility, we won't give in when things get tough. No, we will not become lazy lovers"
Hee hee...the next song to start up was...
"I'll get over you...I know I will"
I don't know why I posted this, or why I find this so funny.
At any rate, I love my small group.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 6, part 2.
And once again, I'm brought to a place where it doesn't matter how tired I am, how annoyed I am, how whatever I am...I am so blessed to have such a wonderful little boy.
When he sits on the floor to play, he'll often set his toy of choice down, turn to me, hug me, then return to playing.
When he sits on the floor to play, he'll often set his toy of choice down, turn to me, hug me, then return to playing.
Day 6.
It's hard to believe it's been 5 days since Cody left. Charlie and I are hanging in there...somedays it feels like we're barely hanging in there, but we are.
It's been a harder week so far than it has been in the past when Cody has gone away. Charlie seems to be more aware that he is gone this time. Tuesday was pretty good...but then Wednesday rolled around. Cody usually feeds Charlie his supper, and when I tried, he wouldn't have it. Same on Thursday. So, 2 days, no supper. Good times...On top of all that, Charlie decided to show his sadness by the means of poo. On numerous occasions. Once on my kitchen floor. I'm not even sure how that one happened. He was sleeping mostly through the night the few days before Cody left, only getting up once, and since then, he's been up 2-3 times, therefore, I've been up 2-3 times. I tried to let him cry it out last night. I feel bad for the little dude...he's so tired and misses his dad.
I'm trying to be a good, loving and patient mom...but it's been hard. I called my sister yesterday and she came and picked Charlie up and took care of him for the afternoon. That was a nice break. A chance to re-focus, regain some energy.
After church today, we had a church family brunch. I knew Charlie would slowly fall apart there, being nap time and all. And he did. Maybe it was just me getting sort of annoyed, but I was tired, and really didn't want to be the one with the annoying baby today. A friend told me afterwards, that he's not an annoying baby, that he's just being a kid and that it's ok. I almost started crying. I don't think he meant to bring me nearly to tears. I'm sure it's the lack of sleep, but it got me thinking...
Maybe I'm expecting too much from my little boy. I know how much I miss Cody. If I had no way to speak out how I was feeling, I'd probably fuss and cry too.
Little does Charlie know, his week is gonna get worse. He gets his next round of shots on Tuesday at the doctors....
Lord, give me strength.
It's been a harder week so far than it has been in the past when Cody has gone away. Charlie seems to be more aware that he is gone this time. Tuesday was pretty good...but then Wednesday rolled around. Cody usually feeds Charlie his supper, and when I tried, he wouldn't have it. Same on Thursday. So, 2 days, no supper. Good times...On top of all that, Charlie decided to show his sadness by the means of poo. On numerous occasions. Once on my kitchen floor. I'm not even sure how that one happened. He was sleeping mostly through the night the few days before Cody left, only getting up once, and since then, he's been up 2-3 times, therefore, I've been up 2-3 times. I tried to let him cry it out last night. I feel bad for the little dude...he's so tired and misses his dad.
I'm trying to be a good, loving and patient mom...but it's been hard. I called my sister yesterday and she came and picked Charlie up and took care of him for the afternoon. That was a nice break. A chance to re-focus, regain some energy.
After church today, we had a church family brunch. I knew Charlie would slowly fall apart there, being nap time and all. And he did. Maybe it was just me getting sort of annoyed, but I was tired, and really didn't want to be the one with the annoying baby today. A friend told me afterwards, that he's not an annoying baby, that he's just being a kid and that it's ok. I almost started crying. I don't think he meant to bring me nearly to tears. I'm sure it's the lack of sleep, but it got me thinking...
Maybe I'm expecting too much from my little boy. I know how much I miss Cody. If I had no way to speak out how I was feeling, I'd probably fuss and cry too.
Little does Charlie know, his week is gonna get worse. He gets his next round of shots on Tuesday at the doctors....
Lord, give me strength.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I am tired today...
Tired of being tired.
Tired of washing dishes.
Tired of being stuck indoors.
Tired of having a grumpy baby.
Tired of having a grumpy baby who won't nap.
I feel so tired, that I don't even want to do anything. Which is funny, because I all want to do is get out of my house and be with other people, but don't even feel as though I have the energy to do it.
Lord, give me strength for today.
Tired of being tired.
Tired of washing dishes.
Tired of being stuck indoors.
Tired of having a grumpy baby.
Tired of having a grumpy baby who won't nap.
I feel so tired, that I don't even want to do anything. Which is funny, because I all want to do is get out of my house and be with other people, but don't even feel as though I have the energy to do it.
Lord, give me strength for today.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Charlie got dunked...
Ok...not really.
This past Sunday, Charlie was baptized. And yes, he's an infant.
The church that I belong to accepts both forms of baptism...infant and believer? or is it adult? Anyways...Cody and I made the decision to have Charlie baptized. I'm no expert on baptism, but I thought I'd write out my thoughts leading up to this decision, and why it was important for me to do this.
I really don't agree/like how baptism happens so often these days. I don't understand how it seems to have become something you do after you have 'reached' a certain point in your faith. Maybe you have to put in enough hours or something??? I don't know. Either way, I don't see that in the bible, and I think it's sad that people feel that they aren't good enough, or aren't spiritual enough to be baptized. Any example that I've read about in the bible seems to go hand in hand with believing in Jesus. I don't see people clocking in faith hours, and then being baptized. I personally believe that baptism is more of a first step as opposed to a step that is taken once you have all your ducks in a row.
And that is reason one that I felt it important to baptize Charlie. It is an important first step in faith.
I like the picture of that man who was baptized and went home and had his family baptized. I know it doesn't say the specific ages of his family...but, regardless, he was baptized, went home and had his family baptized. Cody and I were baptized...it just makes sense to me that we would baptize Charlie as well. Maybe that is too simplistic and not a good enough reason, but I'm ok with that. I don't think it shouldbe any more complicated than that.
My big beef is that there seems to be two kinds of baptism now. Infant baptism and believer/adult baptism. I'm pretty sure baptism is baptism is baptism, whether you are a newborn or 100 years old. Nothing irks me more than people who tell me, or others who were baptized as infants that it 'doesn't count'.
I believe that whether you are baptized as an infant, or an adult, or a teen or whatever...you are baptized.
'There is ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE BAPTISM, and ONE God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.' Eph. 4:5
And there is my rant.
We decided to have Charlie baptized.
This past Sunday, Charlie was baptized. And yes, he's an infant.
The church that I belong to accepts both forms of baptism...infant and believer? or is it adult? Anyways...Cody and I made the decision to have Charlie baptized. I'm no expert on baptism, but I thought I'd write out my thoughts leading up to this decision, and why it was important for me to do this.
I really don't agree/like how baptism happens so often these days. I don't understand how it seems to have become something you do after you have 'reached' a certain point in your faith. Maybe you have to put in enough hours or something??? I don't know. Either way, I don't see that in the bible, and I think it's sad that people feel that they aren't good enough, or aren't spiritual enough to be baptized. Any example that I've read about in the bible seems to go hand in hand with believing in Jesus. I don't see people clocking in faith hours, and then being baptized. I personally believe that baptism is more of a first step as opposed to a step that is taken once you have all your ducks in a row.
And that is reason one that I felt it important to baptize Charlie. It is an important first step in faith.
I like the picture of that man who was baptized and went home and had his family baptized. I know it doesn't say the specific ages of his family...but, regardless, he was baptized, went home and had his family baptized. Cody and I were baptized...it just makes sense to me that we would baptize Charlie as well. Maybe that is too simplistic and not a good enough reason, but I'm ok with that. I don't think it shouldbe any more complicated than that.
My big beef is that there seems to be two kinds of baptism now. Infant baptism and believer/adult baptism. I'm pretty sure baptism is baptism is baptism, whether you are a newborn or 100 years old. Nothing irks me more than people who tell me, or others who were baptized as infants that it 'doesn't count'.
I believe that whether you are baptized as an infant, or an adult, or a teen or whatever...you are baptized.
'There is ONE Lord, ONE faith, ONE BAPTISM, and ONE God and Father, who is over all and in all and living through all.' Eph. 4:5
And there is my rant.
We decided to have Charlie baptized.
Monday, January 11, 2010
The New Year
So here I am, 11 days into the new year. I've never really been a 'new year's resolution' kinda person, because by day 2, I've completely failed, and let's be honest, that's just depressing. I suppose I have set some goals for the year, goals that I will not let control me so much that I go into a complete downward spiral if I do not reach them everyday. Because seriously, the whole 'get back into shape' goal, has yet to be started...vanilla ice cream with cookie dough has taken it's place instead. With that said, I am excited to try out my Your Shape for the Wii system. Thus far, I have created my profile, which has informed me that I have no upper body strength. Like I needed a game to tell me that. You put a 15lb weight in my hands, put my arms behind my head and I'll be stuck until you help me.
Another goal, that I am quite excited about, is to start reading my bible again. I used to be pretty good at that...reading every night before bed. Funny enough, I lost that habit at YWAM....5 years ago, and have yet to get back into it. Every year, after the Christmas season, our church goes through a gospel, and challenges the congregation to read through it on their own. I have yet to accomplish this...I have gotten close, but never finish. And that is sad. So this year, we are reading through John. I have decided to do this with Charlie. Every night, before I put him to bed, we read a chapter or two of John (this all depends on his fussiness level). I've really been enjoying it. And I think he does too. As much as a 4 month old baby can enjoy being read to. And...interesting little add on, ever since I started doing this, he hasn't screamed bloody murder when I lay him down...he fusses a little bit, then falls asleep. Connection??? I like to think so.
As for this reading of the bible, I do need to work on retaining what I'm reading. Erik was asking questions at church about John chapter 2 (which I had read 3 nights ago) and was even offering Lindt chocolate for answers...tempting indeed...and I couldn't remember! BAH! Maybe I need to bribe myself with decadent chocolate in order to retain information...thus entirely defeating my goal of getting back into shape...but what's more important??? Bible reading and retaining...or being fit???
I think a third goal of mine would be to step out of my comfort zone a little more often. Meet and talk to new people. Express myself the way I want to express myself, and not be afraid to wear hats. I like hats. I have always believed that hats do not like me. Maybe they do, and even if they don't, who cares!
So there it is...my new years...let's see how it all goes down.
Cheers to you 2010!
Another goal, that I am quite excited about, is to start reading my bible again. I used to be pretty good at that...reading every night before bed. Funny enough, I lost that habit at YWAM....5 years ago, and have yet to get back into it. Every year, after the Christmas season, our church goes through a gospel, and challenges the congregation to read through it on their own. I have yet to accomplish this...I have gotten close, but never finish. And that is sad. So this year, we are reading through John. I have decided to do this with Charlie. Every night, before I put him to bed, we read a chapter or two of John (this all depends on his fussiness level). I've really been enjoying it. And I think he does too. As much as a 4 month old baby can enjoy being read to. And...interesting little add on, ever since I started doing this, he hasn't screamed bloody murder when I lay him down...he fusses a little bit, then falls asleep. Connection??? I like to think so.
As for this reading of the bible, I do need to work on retaining what I'm reading. Erik was asking questions at church about John chapter 2 (which I had read 3 nights ago) and was even offering Lindt chocolate for answers...tempting indeed...and I couldn't remember! BAH! Maybe I need to bribe myself with decadent chocolate in order to retain information...thus entirely defeating my goal of getting back into shape...but what's more important??? Bible reading and retaining...or being fit???
I think a third goal of mine would be to step out of my comfort zone a little more often. Meet and talk to new people. Express myself the way I want to express myself, and not be afraid to wear hats. I like hats. I have always believed that hats do not like me. Maybe they do, and even if they don't, who cares!
So there it is...my new years...let's see how it all goes down.
Cheers to you 2010!
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